The subject

Hi everyone, this semester to been special for my since I have had complications in my regular classes, in this moment I have only 3 subject as a medical recommendation and to be able to be kept in this university, all that to realize a change of career. But my subject with major interest is transverse it generated feminism and violence because it is a good space to debate on topic that are very quotas. As well as also we know different authors and points of view on the different subject matters. After the mobilizations of this year I think that it is very important to have these spaces of discussion and to having deeper learning on feminism and gender violence.
Though it is difficult for the students quantify that we are in the room of classes since it is difficult in the first instance to listen to the teacher for the generated noise or because there is not microphone for such a big room. But in spite of this I think that it is a very good subject especially in my change of career I feel that for pedagogy it is important to have knowledge on these topics especially to apply it in small children who begin newly his formation


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