Blogging experience

The experience of writing blogs was strange because I'm not a person that he likes to tell many things of his life so it's difficult for me find the words appropriate, it was a great challenge for my! though in the last blog's manages to write more flowed

But it was a different experience where it achieves a little sense knows of my schoolmate with his different thoughts and experiences Also I think that it served very much to practise our English integrating new words to our vocabulary. I feel that it is a good way of learning writing on different topics and later reading what others write, is different and entertaining if one proposes it

I think that it might continue doing it of independent form in order to increase my vocabulary and to improve my way of writing. This way also it might write what he me pleases like on my puzzles and my daily activities leaving a bit of side the academic thing to relax about this load

Concluding this in spite of the difficult thing that did me in a beginning for not managing to express of the suitable form and not to be interested very much in the proposed topics I think that it was a good experience and want to remain with the practical thing that is like that like me it will serve in a future


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